Faculty Members of the College

All Departments

Mechanical Systems Engineering

Position Name One-page summary Link Research field
Professor INAGAKI Terumi One-page summary Lab Thermal Engineering,Infrared Engineering,Fluid Engineering,Environmental Engineering
Professor INUI Masatomo One-page summary   Fast and precise algorithms for geometric processing, and their applications for automating machine production
Professor KURAMOTO Shigeru One-page summary   Design of engineering materials
Professor SAKAI Yasuyuki One-page summary Lab Thermal engineering
Professor SHIMIZU Jun One-page summary Lab Micro/Nano Tribology, Ultra-precision Machining
Professor SUZUKI Tomoya One-page summary Lab Complex System, Data Analysis, Applied Mathematics and Physics, Information Engineering, Financial Engineering
Professor TANAKA Kotaro One-page summary Lab Thermal engineering, Combustion chemistry, Laser spectroscopy
Professor TANAKA Nobuatsu One-page summary Lab Computational Fluid Dynamics, Environmental and Nuclear Engineering, Parallel Processing
Professor TSUBOI Kazuhiro One-page summary Lab Simulation, Applied Mathematics, Computational Fluid Dynamics
Professor NAKAMURA Masashi One-page summary Lab Environmental harmony design, Strength reliability of high polymer materials
Professor NAGAYAMA Kazuaki One-page summary Lab Cell Biomechanics, Micro-Nano Manipulation, Mechanobiology,
Professor NISHI Yasuyuki One-page summary Lab Fluid Mechanics, Fluid Machinery
Professor FUKUOKA Yasuhiro One-page summary Lab Robot Engineering, Dynamic Robot
Professor MASUZAWA Toru One-page summary Lab Bio-mechatronics, Magnetically suspended artificial heart, Magnetically levitated motor, Medical engineering
Professor MICHITSUJI Yohei One-page summary Lab Vehicle Engineering, Control Engineering
Professor MORI Yoshikazu One-page summary Lab Welfare Robotics, KANSEI Robotics, Mechatronics
Professor YANG ZI-JIANG One-page summary Lab Adaptive and Robust Control for Uncertain Systems, Modelling and Identification for Control Systems, and System Control Engineering Related Signal Processing , Soft Computing etc.
Contract Professor ITO Nobuhide One-page summary   Abrasive Machining
Associate Professor UMEZU Nobuyuki One-page summary Lab Computer Graphics, Image Database
Associate Professor OSA Masahiro One-page summary   Machine Mechanics/Control
Associate Professor OJIMA Hirotaka One-page summary Lab Machine Mechanics/Control
Associate Professor OZEKI Kazuhide One-page summary Lab Bio-materials, Thin-film formation, Inorganic materials
Associate Professor ONUKI Teppei One-page summary Lab Applied optics in manufacturing, Micro system engineering, Nano-materials
Associate Professor KURUMADA Akira One-page summary   Engineering Materials, Structural and Functional materials
Associate Professor KOBAYASHI Junya One-page summary   Engineering Materials, Heat Treatment
Associate Professor SHIMIZU Toshimi One-page summary   Vibration Control of Distributed Parameter Systems, Robotics
Associate Professor SHIROMA Naoji One-page summary   Mobile Robotics, Teleoperation, Computer Vision
Associate Professor TAKEDA Koujin One-page summary Lab Theory of statistical physics, Random system in physics, Information theory
Associate Professor MATSUMURA Kunihito One-page summary Lab Thermal Engineering
Associate Professor YAMASAKI Kazuhiko One-page summary Lab Material Processing/Treatment, Production Engineering/Processing Studies
Associate Professor LI Yanrong One-page summary   Thermal and Fluid Engineering
Lecturer Inoue Kousuke   Lab Intelligent Mechanics and Machine System, Intelligent Informatics, Computer Science, System Engineering
Lecturer IWASAKI Yuishi One-page summary Lab Mathematical Bioscience, Biophysics, Nonlinear Science
Lecturer KANO TORU One-page summary Lab  
Lecturer KITAYAMA Fumiya One-page summary Lab Dynamics/Control, Intelligent mechanics/Mechanical systems
Lecturer KONDO Hisashi One-page summary Lab Computer Science, Information Engineering, Intelligent Informatics
Lecturer SAKAIDA Satoshi One-page summary   Thermal and Fluid Engineering,Fuel Cell
Lecturer SEKINE Eiko One-page summary   System Engineering
Lecturer MORI Kotaro One-page summary Lab Electromagneto-solid Mechanics, Finite Element Method, Material Testing, Electronic Laminates, Bending, Smart Materials and Structures, Energy Harvesting
Assistant Professor Uesugi Kaoru One-page summary Lab Measurement for mechanical properties of cells and three-dimensional tissues / Development of living-cell used wireless micro force sensor / Clarification of functions of micro-scale structure existed on surface of living things
Assistant Professor KANEKO Kazuki     エンドミル加工, 切削力シミュレーション, センサレスモニタリング
Assistant Professor CHENG Zhang One-page summary Lab Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robot, Deep Reinforcement Learning
Assistant Professor Yagi Keisuke One-page summary Lab Human joint impedance, Joint mechanism, Digital Control

Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering

Position Name One-page summary Link Research field
Professor AONO tomosuke One-page summary   Condensed Matter Theory, Nano Science
Professor Iwaji Yoshitaka     Control and system engineering
Professor UDONO Haruhiko One-page summary Lab Science and Engineering of Semiconducting Silicides, Energy Conversion and Optoelectronic Devices
Professor SHIMAKAGE Hisashi One-page summary Lab Superconducting Electronics, Microwave devices
Professor SODA Naoya One-page summary Lab Numerical electromagnetic field analysis, Nonlinear magnetic properties
Professor TAKEDA Shigeki One-page summary Lab Wireless communication system, Antenna system
Professor NAKA AKIRA One-page summary   Optical Communication
Professor MIYAJIMA Teruyuki One-page summary Lab Signal Processing for Communications
Professor YANAGIDAIRA Takeshi One-page summary Lab Pulsed Power Engineering
Professor YOKOTA Hirohisa One-page summary   Optoelectronics, Fiber-optic communication system
Professor WADA Tatsuaki One-page summary   Generalized thermostatistics, Mathematical engineering
Associate Professor YI Li One-page summary   Electromagnetic sensing technology, terahertz wave system
Associate Professor UNO Katsuhiro One-page summary   Fundamental optics, Optical instrumentation and measurement, Information optics
Associate Professor UNO Masatoshi One-page summary Lab Power Electronics
Associate Professor WANG Xiaoyan One-page summary Lab Wireless communication, mobile networking, machine learning
Associate Professor KIMURA Takayuki     Imaging Devices, Integrated Circuits
Associate Professor KOMINE Takashi One-page summary Lab Functional materials and electronic device engineering
Associate Professor SATO Naoyuki One-page summary Lab Plasma Science and Engineering
Associate Professor TANAKA Tadashi   Lab Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, Lithium-ion Secondary Battery,Photovoltaic System
Associate Professor NAKAMURA Shinki One-page summary Lab Laser Engineering, Ultrafast Optics, Nonlinear Fiber Optics
Associate Professor MIYAJIMA Keiichi One-page summary Lab Formalized Mathematics
Associate Professor YANAI Hiro-Fumi One-page summary Lab Human informatics, Mathematical brain science
Lecturer Uchida Kosuke      
Lecturer Kato Masayuki One-page summary Lab Control Method for Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Electromagnetic Oscillatory Actuator
Lecturer Sun Ran One-page summary Lab Optical Wireless Communication
Lecturer TSUKAMOTO Kosuke One-page summary Lab Analog/digital signal processing
Lecturer DESAKI Yoshihisa One-page summary Lab Computer engineering
Assistant Professor INOUE Dai One-page summary   energy-harvesting, local structure analysis, electrochemistry
Assistant Professor SAKANE SHUNYA One-page summary Lab Thermoelectric, Nanostructure, Thin film, Plasmon

Materials Science and Engineering

Position Name One-page summary Link Research field
Professor IKEDA Teruyuki One-page summary Lab Thermoelectric materials, porous metals, nonequilibrium processing, combinatorial methods, atomic diffusion, phase diagram, phase transformation, solidification
Professor IWASE Kenji One-page summary   Structural/Functional Materials
Professor IWAMOTO Chihiro One-page summary Lab Transmission Electron Microscopy, Nanoanalysis, Welding, Interface Engineering
Professor UNNO Masaki One-page summary Lab Chemistry Related to Living Body, Structural Biochemistry
Professor EGUCHI Mika One-page summary Lab Battery and Energy Chemistry
Professor KITANO Takashi One-page summary Lab Phylogenetic and polymorphic analyses of nucleotide sequence data
Professor KIMURA Shigenobu One-page summary   Structure and function of electrotransfer proteins
Professor KOBAYASHI Yoshio One-page summary   Development of methods for preparing functional materials by liquid phase reaction
Professor SASAJIMA Yasushi One-page summary Lab Computer experiments on materials, Science and technology of thin solid films
Professor SATO Shigeo One-page summary Lab Quantum-beam material science, metallography
Professor SUZUKI Tetsuya One-page summary   Plastic Deformation of Crystals, Texture
Professor TANAKA Ichiro One-page summary Lab Neutron structural biology and development of neutron diffractometer and methods of crystal growth
Professor NISHI TSUYOSHI One-page summary Lab Metallic Physical Properties, Inorganic Material/Physical Properties
Professor FUKUMOTO Hiroki One-page summary Lab pai-conjugated polymer, polyaromatic hydrocarbon, Fluoropolymer
Professor YAMAUCHI Satoshi One-page summary   Semiconductor Devices and Multifunctional Integration
Associate Professor SHOMURA Yasuhito One-page summary Lab Structural biochemistry, Functional biological chemistry, Biophysics
Associate Professor TASHIRO Suguru One-page summary   摩擦撹拌接合, 異種金属間接合, LSI用Cu配線, Alワイヤボンディング, たたら製鉄
Associate Professor NAKASHIMA Kouichi One-page summary Lab Low Temperature Synthesis and Structural Analysis of Functional Ceramics
Associate Professor NISHINO Souichiro One-page summary Lab Mechanics of materials and materials, Manufacturing and production engineering, Material processing and microstructure control, Composite materials and interfaces, Quantum beam science
Associate Professor Yamauchi Noriko One-page summary Lab Composite materials/Surface and interface engineering, Nanomaterials engineering, Reaction engineering/Process system, Organic and hybrid materials, Polymer/Textile materials
Lecturer NAGANO Takatoshi One-page summary   Plastic working Simulation using Particle Method, Ab initio Calculation
Lecturer HOSOYA takaaki     Crystal chemistry, Solid-state organic chemistry, Neutron diffraction
Lecturer YOKOTA Hitoshi One-page summary Lab Surface Physics
Assistant Professor KURAMOCHI Masahiro One-page summary   結晶構造ダイナミクス, Antifreeze Protein, 放射光, X線, 1分子計測
Assistant Professor NAGAKAWA haruki One-page summary Lab Photochemistry, Inorganic chemistry
Assistant Professor MORITA Masato      

Computer and Information Sciences

Position Name One-page summary Link Research field
Professor UEDA Yoshikazu One-page summary Lab Software Engineering, Project Management
Professor OHTAKI Yasuhiro One-page summary Lab Computer System Network, Fundamental Informatics
Professor KAMADA Masaru One-page summary Lab Information and Communication Engineering, Mechanics and Control Engineering, Intelligent Informatics
Professor Sasai Kazuto One-page summary   Complex Systems, Human-Agent Collaboration, Heterarchy, Self-reference, Frame problem
Professor SHINNOU Hiroyuki One-page summary Lab Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Statistics
Professor TONOOKA Hideyuki One-page summary Lab Remote Sensing, Image Processing, Spatial Information System
Professor HABUCHI Hiromasa One-page summary Lab Information and Communication Engineering
Professor FUJIYOSHI Akio One-page summary   Fundamental Informatics
Professor YONEYAMA Kazuki One-page summary Lab Cryptographic Protocols, Formal Methods
Associate Professor KOZAWA Yusuke One-page summary   Digital communications, wireless communication systems, and optical wireless communication systems
Associate Professor SASAKI Minoru One-page summary Lab Intelligent Informatics
Associate Professor NOGUCHI Hiroshi   Lab Database
Associate Professor YAMADA Takayuki One-page summary   Adaptive Learning System
Lecturer OKADA Shinichiro One-page summary    
Lecturer Shibata Takeshi One-page summary   Archiving and learning support system for folk performing arts / Development of VR-based educational tools for active learning
Lecturer TAKAHASHI Ryuichi One-page summary   Software Engineering, Interaction in Distributed Systems
Lecturer HARAGUCHI Harumi One-page summary Lab Cellular Manufacturing System, Manufacturing System, Human Factor, Management Engineering, Operations Research
Lecturer HORITA Hiroki One-page summary Lab Software Engineering, Business Process Management
Assistant Professor OHNO Hiroshi     Fundamental Engineering
Assistant Professor Sato Yuki One-page summary   Cognitive Science
Assistant Professor SHINAGAWA Kazumasa One-page summary   Cryptography, Secure Computation, Card-based Cryptography, Private Simultaneous Messages, 有限群の分解
Assistant Professor NAKAMURA SHUHEI One-page summary   耐量子計算機暗号, 連立代数方程式求解問題, 多変数多項式暗号
Assistant Professor MIZUTAKA SHOGO One-page summary Lab 統計物理学, 複雑ネットワーク, 相転移・臨界現象
Assistant Professor MIYAMOTO Kengo One-page summary   tau-tilting theory, 表現論, Auslander-Reiten theory, Representation theory of orders, Representation theory of algebras

Urban and Civil Engineering

Position Name One-page summary Link Research field
Professor ENDO Katsuhiko      
Professor KUMAZAWA Takayuki One-page summary Lab Landscape and Urban design, Architecture and city planning
Professor KUWAHARA Yuji One-page summary Lab Image processing and analysis of satellite data Environmental surveying, Generation of national land information using GIS
Professor KOBAYASHI Kaoru One-page summary Lab Soil Foundations Engineering, Geotechnical engineering, Geotechnical engineering
Professor NOBUOKA Hisamichi One-page summary Lab Prevention of coastal disasters, Integrated coastal zone management, Impact assessment of Storm surge disaster in climate change
Professor HARADA Takao One-page summary Lab Maintenance management engineering, Information processing system for civil engineering
Professor HIRATA Terumitsu One-page summary Lab Transportation Systems Engineering, Transport Policy, Air Transportation Systems and Airport Planning
Professor FUJITA Masafumi One-page summary Lab Water and Environmental Engineering, Wastewater Treatment Engineering
Professor YOKOKI Hiromune One-page summary Lab Global and Coastal Environment Engineering: Investigation of physical environments on coastal zone, Adaptation options to climate change
Associate Professor KUNO Yasuhiro One-page summary   Architectural Design, Spatial Composition of Architecture and Urban Space
Associate Professor KURUMATANI Mao One-page summary Lab Computational Mechanics and Applied Mechanics. Development of numerical evaluation methods for quasi-brittle materials and structures
Associate Professor Tsujimura Sohei One-page summary   Architectural Environmental Engineering, Architectural Acoustics, Environmental
Associate Professor HIDA Takenori One-page summary   Structural Health Monitoring, Human Behavior during Earthquake, Resilience, Disaster Prevention, Artificial Intelligence
Lecturer INAMOCHI Ryuichi One-page summary   Architectural Design and Theory, Urban Landscape
Lecturer MASUNAGA Eiji One-page summary   Coastal physical oceanography, Turbulent mixing, nonlinear internal waves, Numerical simulations of ocean physics
Assistant Professor ICHINOSE Aya     Architectural design, urban design, local branding, participatory design and management
Assistant Professor UNO haruka One-page summary   Traffic planning, Traffic safety, Regional transportation
Assistant Professor OHMURA TAKAHIRO One-page summary Lab Architectural Design, Architectural Theory, Architectural Planning, Building Construction, Geometry and Graphics
Assistant Professor YOSHIDA Yukiko One-page summary Lab Comfort, Smart City, Optimization, BEMS, HVAC

Basic Sciences for Engineering (*)

Position Name One-page summary Link Research field
Professor OHOYAMA Kenji One-page summary Lab Materials Science using Neutron scattering technique, Developments of Novel techniques of Neutron scattering
Professor OKA Hirokazu One-page summary   Evolution Equations
Professor KOIZUMI Satoshi One-page summary Lab Functional Materials/Device
Professor HIRASAWA gou One-page summary   Semiclosed Operator, Q-metric
Professor MINATO Atsushi One-page summary Lab Applied Optics, Image Processing, Kansei Engineering
Professor MORIKAWA Atsushi One-page summary   Synthesis of functional polymers using polycondensation
Associate Professor ITABA Masanori One-page summary   Applied Physics
Associate Professor Tajima Misako One-page summary   English education, Sociolinguistics, Critical applied linguistics
Associate Professor HOSOKAWA Takuya One-page summary   Analytic Function Space Theory and Operator Theory. Composition operators and weighted composition operators on the Hardy, Bergman, Bloch spaces.
Lecturer ABE Toshikazu One-page summary   Functional analysis
Lecturer IMAMURA Hitoshi One-page summary   Nonlinear Vibration
Lecturer NODA Yohei One-page summary   Small Angle Neutron Scattering, Electron Spin Resonance, Dynamic Nuclear Polarization, Polymer composite material
Assistant Professor KANO Moe One-page summary   Bilingualism, SLA
Assistant Professor FUKUMURA Makiko One-page summary   地域日本語教育、多文化共生、実践研究

Mechanical Systems Engineering

Position Name One-page summary Link Research field
Professor INAGAKI Terumi One-page summary Lab Thermal Engineering,Infrared Engineering,Fluid Engineering,Environmental Engineering
Professor INUI Masatomo One-page summary   Fast and precise algorithms for geometric processing, and their applications for automating machine production
Professor KURAMOTO Shigeru One-page summary   Design of engineering materials
Professor SAKAI Yasuyuki One-page summary Lab Thermal engineering
Professor SHIMIZU Jun One-page summary Lab Micro/Nano Tribology, Ultra-precision Machining
Professor SUZUKI Tomoya One-page summary Lab Complex System, Data Analysis, Applied Mathematics and Physics, Information Engineering, Financial Engineering
Professor TANAKA Kotaro One-page summary Lab Thermal engineering, Combustion chemistry, Laser spectroscopy
Professor TANAKA Nobuatsu One-page summary Lab Computational Fluid Dynamics, Environmental and Nuclear Engineering, Parallel Processing
Professor TSUBOI Kazuhiro One-page summary Lab Simulation, Applied Mathematics, Computational Fluid Dynamics
Professor NAKAMURA Masashi One-page summary Lab Environmental harmony design, Strength reliability of high polymer materials
Professor NAGAYAMA Kazuaki One-page summary Lab Cell Biomechanics, Micro-Nano Manipulation, Mechanobiology,
Professor NISHI Yasuyuki One-page summary Lab Fluid Mechanics, Fluid Machinery
Professor FUKUOKA Yasuhiro One-page summary Lab Robot Engineering, Dynamic Robot
Professor MASUZAWA Toru One-page summary Lab Bio-mechatronics, Magnetically suspended artificial heart, Magnetically levitated motor, Medical engineering
Professor MICHITSUJI Yohei One-page summary Lab Vehicle Engineering, Control Engineering
Professor MORI Yoshikazu One-page summary Lab Welfare Robotics, KANSEI Robotics, Mechatronics
Professor YANG ZI-JIANG One-page summary Lab Adaptive and Robust Control for Uncertain Systems, Modelling and Identification for Control Systems, and System Control Engineering Related Signal Processing , Soft Computing etc.
Contract Professor ITO Nobuhide One-page summary   Abrasive Machining
Associate Professor UMEZU Nobuyuki One-page summary Lab Computer Graphics, Image Database
Associate Professor OSA Masahiro One-page summary   Machine Mechanics/Control
Associate Professor OJIMA Hirotaka One-page summary Lab Machine Mechanics/Control
Associate Professor OZEKI Kazuhide One-page summary Lab Bio-materials, Thin-film formation, Inorganic materials
Associate Professor ONUKI Teppei One-page summary Lab Applied optics in manufacturing, Micro system engineering, Nano-materials
Associate Professor KURUMADA Akira One-page summary   Engineering Materials, Structural and Functional materials
Associate Professor KOBAYASHI Junya One-page summary   Engineering Materials, Heat Treatment
Associate Professor SHIMIZU Toshimi One-page summary   Vibration Control of Distributed Parameter Systems, Robotics
Associate Professor SHIROMA Naoji One-page summary   Mobile Robotics, Teleoperation, Computer Vision
Associate Professor TAKEDA Koujin One-page summary Lab Theory of statistical physics, Random system in physics, Information theory
Associate Professor MATSUMURA Kunihito One-page summary Lab Thermal Engineering
Associate Professor YAMASAKI Kazuhiko One-page summary Lab Material Processing/Treatment, Production Engineering/Processing Studies
Associate Professor LI Yanrong One-page summary   Thermal and Fluid Engineering
Lecturer Inoue Kousuke   Lab Intelligent Mechanics and Machine System, Intelligent Informatics, Computer Science, System Engineering
Lecturer IWASAKI Yuishi One-page summary Lab Mathematical Bioscience, Biophysics, Nonlinear Science
Lecturer KANO TORU One-page summary Lab  
Lecturer KITAYAMA Fumiya One-page summary Lab Dynamics/Control, Intelligent mechanics/Mechanical systems
Lecturer KONDO Hisashi One-page summary Lab Computer Science, Information Engineering, Intelligent Informatics
Lecturer SAKAIDA Satoshi One-page summary   Thermal and Fluid Engineering,Fuel Cell
Lecturer SEKINE Eiko One-page summary   System Engineering
Lecturer MORI Kotaro One-page summary Lab Electromagneto-solid Mechanics, Finite Element Method, Material Testing, Electronic Laminates, Bending, Smart Materials and Structures, Energy Harvesting
Assistant Professor Uesugi Kaoru One-page summary Lab Measurement for mechanical properties of cells and three-dimensional tissues / Development of living-cell used wireless micro force sensor / Clarification of functions of micro-scale structure existed on surface of living things
Assistant Professor KANEKO Kazuki     エンドミル加工, 切削力シミュレーション, センサレスモニタリング
Assistant Professor CHENG Zhang One-page summary Lab Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robot, Deep Reinforcement Learning
Assistant Professor Yagi Keisuke One-page summary Lab Human joint impedance, Joint mechanism, Digital Control

Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering

Position Name One-page summary Link Research field
Professor AONO tomosuke One-page summary   Condensed Matter Theory, Nano Science
Professor Iwaji Yoshitaka     Control and system engineering
Professor UDONO Haruhiko One-page summary Lab Science and Engineering of Semiconducting Silicides, Energy Conversion and Optoelectronic Devices
Professor SHIMAKAGE Hisashi One-page summary Lab Superconducting Electronics, Microwave devices
Professor SODA Naoya One-page summary Lab Numerical electromagnetic field analysis, Nonlinear magnetic properties
Professor TAKEDA Shigeki One-page summary Lab Wireless communication system, Antenna system
Professor NAKA AKIRA One-page summary   Optical Communication
Professor MIYAJIMA Teruyuki One-page summary Lab Signal Processing for Communications
Professor YANAGIDAIRA Takeshi One-page summary Lab Pulsed Power Engineering
Professor YOKOTA Hirohisa One-page summary   Optoelectronics, Fiber-optic communication system
Professor WADA Tatsuaki One-page summary   Generalized thermostatistics, Mathematical engineering
Associate Professor YI Li One-page summary   Electromagnetic sensing technology, terahertz wave system
Associate Professor UNO Katsuhiro One-page summary   Fundamental optics, Optical instrumentation and measurement, Information optics
Associate Professor UNO Masatoshi One-page summary Lab Power Electronics
Associate Professor WANG Xiaoyan One-page summary Lab Wireless communication, mobile networking, machine learning
Associate Professor KIMURA Takayuki     Imaging Devices, Integrated Circuits
Associate Professor KOMINE Takashi One-page summary Lab Functional materials and electronic device engineering
Associate Professor SATO Naoyuki One-page summary Lab Plasma Science and Engineering
Associate Professor TANAKA Tadashi   Lab Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, Lithium-ion Secondary Battery,Photovoltaic System
Associate Professor NAKAMURA Shinki One-page summary Lab Laser Engineering, Ultrafast Optics, Nonlinear Fiber Optics
Associate Professor MIYAJIMA Keiichi One-page summary Lab Formalized Mathematics
Associate Professor YANAI Hiro-Fumi One-page summary Lab Human informatics, Mathematical brain science
Lecturer Uchida Kosuke      
Lecturer Kato Masayuki One-page summary Lab Control Method for Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Electromagnetic Oscillatory Actuator
Lecturer Sun Ran One-page summary Lab Optical Wireless Communication
Lecturer TSUKAMOTO Kosuke One-page summary Lab Analog/digital signal processing
Lecturer DESAKI Yoshihisa One-page summary Lab Computer engineering
Assistant Professor INOUE Dai One-page summary   energy-harvesting, local structure analysis, electrochemistry
Assistant Professor SAKANE SHUNYA One-page summary Lab Thermoelectric, Nanostructure, Thin film, Plasmon

Materials Science and Engineering

Position Name One-page summary Link Research field
Professor IKEDA Teruyuki One-page summary Lab Thermoelectric materials, porous metals, nonequilibrium processing, combinatorial methods, atomic diffusion, phase diagram, phase transformation, solidification
Professor IWASE Kenji One-page summary   Structural/Functional Materials
Professor IWAMOTO Chihiro One-page summary Lab Transmission Electron Microscopy, Nanoanalysis, Welding, Interface Engineering
Professor UNNO Masaki One-page summary Lab Chemistry Related to Living Body, Structural Biochemistry
Professor EGUCHI Mika One-page summary Lab Battery and Energy Chemistry
Professor KITANO Takashi One-page summary Lab Phylogenetic and polymorphic analyses of nucleotide sequence data
Professor KIMURA Shigenobu One-page summary   Structure and function of electrotransfer proteins
Professor KOBAYASHI Yoshio One-page summary   Development of methods for preparing functional materials by liquid phase reaction
Professor SASAJIMA Yasushi One-page summary Lab Computer experiments on materials, Science and technology of thin solid films
Professor SATO Shigeo One-page summary Lab Quantum-beam material science, metallography
Professor SUZUKI Tetsuya One-page summary   Plastic Deformation of Crystals, Texture
Professor TANAKA Ichiro One-page summary Lab Neutron structural biology and development of neutron diffractometer and methods of crystal growth
Professor NISHI TSUYOSHI One-page summary Lab Metallic Physical Properties, Inorganic Material/Physical Properties
Professor FUKUMOTO Hiroki One-page summary Lab pai-conjugated polymer, polyaromatic hydrocarbon, Fluoropolymer
Professor YAMAUCHI Satoshi One-page summary   Semiconductor Devices and Multifunctional Integration
Associate Professor SHOMURA Yasuhito One-page summary Lab Structural biochemistry, Functional biological chemistry, Biophysics
Associate Professor TASHIRO Suguru One-page summary   摩擦撹拌接合, 異種金属間接合, LSI用Cu配線, Alワイヤボンディング, たたら製鉄
Associate Professor NAKASHIMA Kouichi One-page summary Lab Low Temperature Synthesis and Structural Analysis of Functional Ceramics
Associate Professor NISHINO Souichiro One-page summary Lab Mechanics of materials and materials, Manufacturing and production engineering, Material processing and microstructure control, Composite materials and interfaces, Quantum beam science
Associate Professor Yamauchi Noriko One-page summary Lab Composite materials/Surface and interface engineering, Nanomaterials engineering, Reaction engineering/Process system, Organic and hybrid materials, Polymer/Textile materials
Lecturer NAGANO Takatoshi One-page summary   Plastic working Simulation using Particle Method, Ab initio Calculation
Lecturer HOSOYA takaaki     Crystal chemistry, Solid-state organic chemistry, Neutron diffraction
Lecturer YOKOTA Hitoshi One-page summary Lab Surface Physics
Assistant Professor KURAMOCHI Masahiro One-page summary   結晶構造ダイナミクス, Antifreeze Protein, 放射光, X線, 1分子計測
Assistant Professor NAGAKAWA haruki One-page summary Lab Photochemistry, Inorganic chemistry
Assistant Professor MORITA Masato      

Computer and Information Sciences

Position Name One-page summary Link Research field
Professor UEDA Yoshikazu One-page summary Lab Software Engineering, Project Management
Professor OHTAKI Yasuhiro One-page summary Lab Computer System Network, Fundamental Informatics
Professor KAMADA Masaru One-page summary Lab Information and Communication Engineering, Mechanics and Control Engineering, Intelligent Informatics
Professor Sasai Kazuto One-page summary   Complex Systems, Human-Agent Collaboration, Heterarchy, Self-reference, Frame problem
Professor SHINNOU Hiroyuki One-page summary Lab Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Statistics
Professor TONOOKA Hideyuki One-page summary Lab Remote Sensing, Image Processing, Spatial Information System
Professor HABUCHI Hiromasa One-page summary Lab Information and Communication Engineering
Professor FUJIYOSHI Akio One-page summary   Fundamental Informatics
Professor YONEYAMA Kazuki One-page summary Lab Cryptographic Protocols, Formal Methods
Associate Professor KOZAWA Yusuke One-page summary   Digital communications, wireless communication systems, and optical wireless communication systems
Associate Professor SASAKI Minoru One-page summary Lab Intelligent Informatics
Associate Professor NOGUCHI Hiroshi   Lab Database
Associate Professor YAMADA Takayuki One-page summary   Adaptive Learning System
Lecturer OKADA Shinichiro One-page summary    
Lecturer Shibata Takeshi One-page summary   Archiving and learning support system for folk performing arts / Development of VR-based educational tools for active learning
Lecturer TAKAHASHI Ryuichi One-page summary   Software Engineering, Interaction in Distributed Systems
Lecturer HARAGUCHI Harumi One-page summary Lab Cellular Manufacturing System, Manufacturing System, Human Factor, Management Engineering, Operations Research
Lecturer HORITA Hiroki One-page summary Lab Software Engineering, Business Process Management
Assistant Professor OHNO Hiroshi     Fundamental Engineering
Assistant Professor Sato Yuki One-page summary   Cognitive Science
Assistant Professor SHINAGAWA Kazumasa One-page summary   Cryptography, Secure Computation, Card-based Cryptography, Private Simultaneous Messages, 有限群の分解
Assistant Professor NAKAMURA SHUHEI One-page summary   耐量子計算機暗号, 連立代数方程式求解問題, 多変数多項式暗号
Assistant Professor MIZUTAKA SHOGO One-page summary Lab 統計物理学, 複雑ネットワーク, 相転移・臨界現象
Assistant Professor MIYAMOTO Kengo One-page summary   tau-tilting theory, 表現論, Auslander-Reiten theory, Representation theory of orders, Representation theory of algebras

Urban and Civil Engineering

Position Name One-page summary Link Research field
Professor ENDO Katsuhiko      
Professor KUMAZAWA Takayuki One-page summary Lab Landscape and Urban design, Architecture and city planning
Professor KUWAHARA Yuji One-page summary Lab Image processing and analysis of satellite data Environmental surveying, Generation of national land information using GIS
Professor KOBAYASHI Kaoru One-page summary Lab Soil Foundations Engineering, Geotechnical engineering, Geotechnical engineering
Professor NOBUOKA Hisamichi One-page summary Lab Prevention of coastal disasters, Integrated coastal zone management, Impact assessment of Storm surge disaster in climate change
Professor HARADA Takao One-page summary Lab Maintenance management engineering, Information processing system for civil engineering
Professor HIRATA Terumitsu One-page summary Lab Transportation Systems Engineering, Transport Policy, Air Transportation Systems and Airport Planning
Professor FUJITA Masafumi One-page summary Lab Water and Environmental Engineering, Wastewater Treatment Engineering
Professor YOKOKI Hiromune One-page summary Lab Global and Coastal Environment Engineering: Investigation of physical environments on coastal zone, Adaptation options to climate change
Associate Professor KUNO Yasuhiro One-page summary   Architectural Design, Spatial Composition of Architecture and Urban Space
Associate Professor KURUMATANI Mao One-page summary Lab Computational Mechanics and Applied Mechanics. Development of numerical evaluation methods for quasi-brittle materials and structures
Associate Professor Tsujimura Sohei One-page summary   Architectural Environmental Engineering, Architectural Acoustics, Environmental
Associate Professor HIDA Takenori One-page summary   Structural Health Monitoring, Human Behavior during Earthquake, Resilience, Disaster Prevention, Artificial Intelligence
Lecturer INAMOCHI Ryuichi One-page summary   Architectural Design and Theory, Urban Landscape
Lecturer MASUNAGA Eiji One-page summary   Coastal physical oceanography, Turbulent mixing, nonlinear internal waves, Numerical simulations of ocean physics
Assistant Professor ICHINOSE Aya     Architectural design, urban design, local branding, participatory design and management
Assistant Professor UNO haruka One-page summary   Traffic planning, Traffic safety, Regional transportation
Assistant Professor OHMURA TAKAHIRO One-page summary Lab Architectural Design, Architectural Theory, Architectural Planning, Building Construction, Geometry and Graphics
Assistant Professor YOSHIDA Yukiko One-page summary Lab Comfort, Smart City, Optimization, BEMS, HVAC

Basic Sciences for Engineering (*)

Position Name One-page summary Link Research field
Professor OHOYAMA Kenji One-page summary Lab Materials Science using Neutron scattering technique, Developments of Novel techniques of Neutron scattering
Professor OKA Hirokazu One-page summary   Evolution Equations
Professor KOIZUMI Satoshi One-page summary Lab Functional Materials/Device
Professor HIRASAWA gou One-page summary   Semiclosed Operator, Q-metric
Professor MINATO Atsushi One-page summary Lab Applied Optics, Image Processing, Kansei Engineering
Professor MORIKAWA Atsushi One-page summary   Synthesis of functional polymers using polycondensation
Associate Professor ITABA Masanori One-page summary   Applied Physics
Associate Professor Tajima Misako One-page summary   English education, Sociolinguistics, Critical applied linguistics
Associate Professor HOSOKAWA Takuya One-page summary   Analytic Function Space Theory and Operator Theory. Composition operators and weighted composition operators on the Hardy, Bergman, Bloch spaces.
Lecturer ABE Toshikazu One-page summary   Functional analysis
Lecturer IMAMURA Hitoshi One-page summary   Nonlinear Vibration
Lecturer NODA Yohei One-page summary   Small Angle Neutron Scattering, Electron Spin Resonance, Dynamic Nuclear Polarization, Polymer composite material
Assistant Professor KANO Moe One-page summary   Bilingualism, SLA
Assistant Professor FUKUMURA Makiko One-page summary   地域日本語教育、多文化共生、実践研究

(*) Educational section for all the departments