AI-ICT Next Generation Wide Area Application Research and Education Center

Center Director
Hiroyuki Shinnou, Center Director

While the most theoretical aspect of computer science is to try to solve the P=NP problem, our goal is "theory meets practice". In particular; we consider that the study, which brings dramatic improvements to thelocalcommunity is the ultimate "practice". This center aims to develop innovative research on ICT from aglobalpoint of view.

Our research efforts are enhanced through creative collaborations among the leading researchers in the area of modern cryptography, machine learning, remote sensing, communication theory, medical IT and function analysis. We will continue to play a key role in the computer revolution, and at the same time, each member will contribute to the local community by applying cutting-edge ICTtechnologies.It will be our great pleasure if we can realize such "theory meets practice".


Center Members

Position Name One-page summary Link Research field
Director, Professor SHINNOU Hiroyuki One-page summary Lab Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Statistics
Deputy Director, Professor UEDA Yoshikazu One-page summary Lab Software Engineering, Project Management
Deputy Director, Specially Appointed Professor SAITO Osamu     Visualization of environmental information, Sensor IC tags
Professor OHTAKI Yasuhiro One-page summary Lab Computer System Network, Fundamental Informatics
Professor KAMADA Masaru One-page summary Lab Information and Communication Engineering, Mechanics and Control Engineering, Intelligent Informatics
Professor KUWAHARA Yuji One-page summary Lab Image processing and analysis of satellite data Environmental surveying, Generation of national land information using GIS
Professor Sasai Kazuto One-page summary   Complex Systems, Human-Agent Collaboration, Heterarchy, Self-reference, Frame problem
Professor SUZUKI Tomoya One-page summary Lab Complex System, Data Analysis, Applied Mathematics and Physics, Information Engineering, Financial Engineering
Professor TONOOKA Hideyuki One-page summary Lab Remote Sensing, Image Processing, Spatial Information System
Professor HABUCHI Hiromasa One-page summary Lab Information and Communication Engineering
Professor FUJIYOSHI Akio One-page summary   Fundamental Informatics
Professor YONEYAMA Kazuki One-page summary Lab Cryptographic Protocols, Formal Methods
Associate Professor KOZAWA Yusuke One-page summary   Digital communications, wireless communication systems, and optical wireless communication systems
Associate Professor SASAKI Minoru One-page summary Lab Intelligent Informatics
Associate Professor NOGUCHI Hiroshi   Lab Database
Lecturer OKADA Shinichiro One-page summary    
Lecturer Shibata Takeshi One-page summary   Archiving and learning support system for folk performing arts / Development of VR-based educational tools for active learning
Lecturer TAKAHASHI Ryuichi One-page summary   Software Engineering, Interaction in Distributed Systems
Lecturer HARAGUCHI Harumi One-page summary Lab Cellular Manufacturing System, Manufacturing System, Human Factor, Management Engineering, Operations Research
Lecturer HORITA Hiroki One-page summary Lab Software Engineering, Business Process Management
Assistant Professor Sato Yuki One-page summary   Cognitive Science
Assistant Professor SHINAGAWA Kazumasa One-page summary   Cryptography, Secure Computation, Card-based Cryptography, Private Simultaneous Messages, 有限群の分解
Assistant Professor NAKAMURA SHUHEI One-page summary   耐量子計算機暗号, 連立代数方程式求解問題, 多変数多項式暗号
Assistant Professor MIZUTAKA SHOGO One-page summary Lab 統計物理学, 複雑ネットワーク, 相転移・臨界現象
Assistant Professor MIYAMOTO Kengo One-page summary   tau-tilting theory, 表現論, Auslander-Reiten theory, Representation theory of orders, Representation theory of algebras