Life Support Science Education and Research Center

Center Director
Toru Masuzawa, Center Director

It is desirable for people to stay as healthy as possible, to engage in work, and to spend a happy and fulfilling life with a higher QOL (Quality of Life) in society. Our center carries out education and research of science and technology that aim at supporting human life, assisting with physical functions, and creating a comfortable living environment. We have been investigating life support science research since 1998 under the auspices of the Ibaraki Life Support Consortium. Our goal is to contribute to society's well-being by applying such knowledge and skills as miniaturization, power efficiency improvement, optimization, and intelligent mechatronics in medical care and welfare. These technologies are not only applicable in the medical care and welfare fields but also in broad industrial fields. We aim to utilize our knowledge towards realizing a better society without limitations.


Center Members

Position Name One-page summary Link Research field
Director, Professor MASUZAWA Toru One-page summary Lab Bio-mechatronics, Magnetically suspended artificial heart, Magnetically levitated motor, Medical engineering
Deputy Director, Professor NAGAYAMA Kazuaki One-page summary Lab Cell Biomechanics, Micro-Nano Manipulation, Mechanobiology,
Deputy Director, Professor MORI Yoshikazu One-page summary Lab Welfare Robotics, KANSEI Robotics, Mechatronics
Professor INAGAKI Terumi One-page summary Lab Thermal Engineering,Infrared Engineering,Fluid Engineering,Environmental Engineering
Professor TANAKA Nobuatsu One-page summary Lab Computational Fluid Dynamics, Environmental and Nuclear Engineering, Parallel Processing
Professor NISHI Yasuyuki One-page summary Lab Fluid Mechanics, Fluid Machinery
Professor FUKUOKA Yasuhiro One-page summary Lab Robot Engineering, Dynamic Robot
Professor FUJITA Masafumi One-page summary Lab Water and Environmental Engineering, Wastewater Treatment Engineering
Professor MICHITSUJI Yohei One-page summary Lab Vehicle Engineering, Control Engineering
Professor MINATO Atsushi One-page summary Lab Applied Optics, Image Processing, Kansei Engineering
Professor YAMAUCHI Satoshi One-page summary   Semiconductor Devices and Multifunctional Integration
Associate Professor OSA Masahiro One-page summary   Machine Mechanics/Control
Associate Professor KIMURA Takayuki     Imaging Devices, Integrated Circuits
Associate Professor SHIMIZU Toshimi One-page summary   Vibration Control of Distributed Parameter Systems, Robotics
Associate Professor LI Yanrong One-page summary   Thermal and Fluid Engineering
Lecturer Inoue Kousuke   Lab Intelligent Mechanics and Machine System, Intelligent Informatics, Computer Science, System Engineering
Lecturer KITAYAMA Fumiya One-page summary Lab Dynamics/Control, Intelligent mechanics/Mechanical systems
Assistant Professor Uesugi Kaoru One-page summary Lab Measurement for mechanical properties of cells and three-dimensional tissues / Development of living-cell used wireless micro force sensor / Clarification of functions of micro-scale structure existed on surface of living things
Assistant Professor Yagi Keisuke One-page summary Lab Human joint impedance, Joint mechanism, Digital Control